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SEO Audit Service brings your website to life

New energy that creates opportunities, saves you money and helps you expand your influence

Seo audit service

Our services include the following:

SEO audit aims to improve search engine rankings by identifying possible problematic factors that could affect lower rankings.
SEO Audit presents you with the current state and website’s overall performance to determine why you don't have a good ranking for a particular web page, product, or category.
This way, we can detect which pages or products need improvement and strengthen them by priority in order to bring more profit and traffic.

Seo audit service

How often is it necessary
to do a SEO audit?

At least once per year. Why?

200+ factors affect the ranking of a website on search engines.

It is important to emphasize that there are things that are resolved by setting priorities, and that means: we will make a list of top priorities that need to be changed in order to get more traffic as soon as possible and improve the current state of the website.

Seo audit service

How to perform an SEO audit in 13 steps

Maecenas felis sapien, tempus ut malesuada sed, rhoncus quis ligula. Vestibulum erat metus, vulputate non odio ut, congue aliquet augue.

Fusce ut tincidunt purus. Vestibulum eu congue nulla. Ut sed arcu finibus, tempor diam quis, commodo mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Donec non maximus turpis, ac fringilla eros. Donec pharetra ullamcorper nunc, in porttitor mi euismod feugiat.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin nec mauris purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet lacus ac orci aliquet dapibus sed vitae orci.

Our team of SEO experts will review your website in detail and make a top list of priorities that need to be changed.

Seo audit service

SEO audit process step by step

  1. Analysis of the URL structure of the website
  2. Checking the status within the Google search console and Google analytics whether the pages are indexed, whether there are errors, potential penalties, etc.
  3. Analysis of the current ranking and checking whether the traffic is decreasing or increasing
  4. Which industry does your website belong to
  5. Check the structure of the entire website to make sure everything is arranged according to the user experience
  6. Which platform was used to create the website / ecommerce
  7. Does everything work properly on the website, e.g. whether the payment button is set correctly
  8. Which page brings most visitors to the website
  9. Analysis of all pages of the website + blog

These are some basic steps with which we begin an SEO audit. Further revision consists of rules defined by google's policy for optimizing all types of websites.

Seo audit service

Our services include the following:

We are working SEO audits only for small and medium enterprises

Technical SEO On-page SEO Off-page SEO Keyword research services
Page speed Title tag Internal links Keyword analysis
Robots.txt Meta description External links External links
Server errors Headings Toxic links
Redirections Alt attributes Competitor analysis
Sitemaps URL syntax
Mobile first
Structured data markup
XML sitemaps
Seo audit service

Technical SEO

It refers to the optimization of the website and server, which will contribute to a better ranking of your website. By fixing technical things, you make it easier for search engines to crawl through your website and to index all web pages.

There are several important features that search engines see as a big bonus and these are:

  • Does your website load fast enough, is it secure (SSL) and how much is your site adapted to mobile devices?

  • Search engines work on the principle of offering the highest quality content to their users. Therefore, Google robots evaluate the website and make the decision to index it. It is important to consider many different factors about potential indexing. Most of these factors are based on user experience such as page loading.

  • One factor is when a google robot comes to your website it first tries to see what your website is about. This refers to the clean structure of the website.

  • So, by improving the technical aspects, you make it easier for the robot to understand your website so that it can suggest your content to the users.

Seo audit service

On-page SEO

On page SEO refers to the content of the website and ili as well as the programming code of your website. These two things are closely related and must be technically correct in order to achieve the desired results.

An ideally optimized website should meet the following requirements:

  • Create relevant content related to a specific service or product

  • Include keywords in the title

  • Include keywords within the URL

  • Include the keyword in the alt attribute

  • Repeat the keyword several times on the website but meaningfully

  • Provide unique content

  • Create navigation to make it easier for the user to navigate the website, especially when it comes to eCommerce systems where there are categories, subcategories and products

Seo audit service

Off page SEO

In order to achieve the best possible positions on search engines, sometimes more work will be needed, even though you have a perfect On page SEO. It depends on the competition and how they are ranked. That brings us to the Off page SEO strategy.

Off page SEO refers to the external links that will lead traffic to your website. Here are some effective techniques:

  • Link building

  • Forums

  • Influencer marketing

  • Events

  • Podcasts

  • Local SEO

  • Social media

  • Brand building

  • Guest blogging

  • and more

This way, users and web browsers will have a better understanding of the content you offer and thus increase your domain authority, trust and relevance.

Seo audit service

Keyword research services

Keyword research ensures that you use keywords that match your content on the website. Targeting the right keywords leads you to be competitive for the queries searched by users to attract them to become your customers.

Our services offer research on your target audience as well as to which entity your brand belongs. We will further narrow the affiliation of your brand through segmentation and this way you will have a great opportunity to become highly competitive in google searches.

If your content is relevant to one thematic area, the chances of you ranking are far higher on search engines.

A list of priorities in SEO audit and its importance

After the SEO audit, you will receive a document in which the solutions to all existing problems will be sorted by priority.

This way, you will achieve a faster and better ranking on search engines. Some of these problems are:

  • Website structure

  • Indexing

  • Website security

  • Broken links

  • Risk from penalties

  • Responsive design

  • Technical problems

  • Internal links

  • and much more

This list is not prioritized but we emphasize that any of these issues can always be the number one priority in order to improve the ranking of your site.


Our beloved clients

Two main reasons why your website needs to be mobile before taking the next steps: SERP rankings and adaptation to users who spend 95% of their surfing time on the phone.

Marko Markovic

Two main reasons why your website needs to be mobile before taking the next steps: SERP rankings and adaptation to users who spend 95% of their surfing time on the phone.

Marko Markovic

Two main reasons why your website needs to be mobile before taking the next steps: SERP rankings and adaptation to users who spend 95% of their surfing time on the phone.

Marko Markovic

Two main reasons why your website needs to be mobile before taking the next steps: SERP rankings and adaptation to users who spend 95% of their surfing time on the phone.

Marko Markovic

Two main reasons why your website needs to be mobile before taking the next steps: SERP rankings and adaptation to users who spend 95% of their surfing time on the phone.

Marko Markovic
Seo audit service

SEO audit FAQ

We use modern tools to solve all the problems mentioned above. One of our powerful tools solves problems checking URL duplicates, duplicate content, Title tag, Meta Description etc.

We use modern tools to solve all the problems mentioned above. One of our powerful tools solves problems checking URL duplicates, duplicate content, Title tag, Meta Description etc.

We use modern tools to solve all the problems mentioned above. One of our powerful tools solves problems checking URL duplicates, duplicate content, Title tag, Meta Description etc.

We use modern tools to solve all the problems mentioned above. One of our powerful tools solves problems checking URL duplicates, duplicate content, Title tag, Meta Description etc.


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